SIPADAN ISLAND Ever since diving celebrity Jacques Cousteau raved about Pulau Sipadan's
diversity of marine life, this dive mecca has been indisputably the
most famous scuba destination in Malaysia. It is located off the east
coast of Sabah, Malaysia's eastern most state, and lies on the
north-eastern corner of Borneo, the world's third largest island.Blue skies, clear waters, convenient diving and tropical scenery, but it
is below the surface where this island really excels. The list of
attractions is quite staggering and all the more exceptional as it
involves plenty of big fish encounters - barracudas, large schools of
trevally and marauding bumphead parrotfish. This is one of the big fish
capitals of the world!Everywhere you turn at Sipadan, you'll see turtles, munching on the
sponges and algae, or lazing on the wall ledges. If you take the time to
look closely at the walls you'll see a wealth of macro life and fish
species to rival most destinations, although this is often overlooked
due to the other major attractions vying for your attention.As with many of the other sites, there is no hanging around in the blue
doing a boring safety stop. Instead you will want the use of every
breath of air in your tank as you spend the last few minutes hovering
over coral gardens with as much colourful life and activity as anywhere.
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